Monday, August 31, 2009

Why do we all become blind

I am many times surprised by tendencies of us human to be collectively blind. What I mean is take below events for example :
a) Internet boom in 2000 - Internet companies were being valued at P/E ratio of 1000 and even then it was being said they are undervalued. Shareholders were ready to pay today money which they were hoping would be earned after 50 years by the company! All the interst fundas were laid to rest. And then someone woke the world
b) Subprime crisis - Mortgage companies lending almost 100% amount taking home as security. None of the highly qualified investment bankers questioned it, everyone just thought because everyone is doing it , it should be right. By the time American companies realised their mistake - whole world economy was on verge of recession.
c) Allopathic treatments - We all know allopathic medicines have side effects. We all know Yoga and Ayurveda are much healtheir. Still if we are ill we rush to a doctor first and only if treatment doesnt gets done by Allopathy then we go for alternative sciences.

There are many many numerous examples of such collective blindness which we humans exhibit. And fact is we are exhibiting such blindness even today. Take for example - culture. What is mostly watched on TVand net - sex,crime, nudity. What do we expect to happen in the world - increase in crime, inrease in rapes, drugs , manifold increase in divorces, lack of respect between parents and kids, inspite of having everything around us to make us happy - we are still not happy from inside.

Open your eyes. Open your eyes to what is right for you. Analyse things from a rational perspective. See what is good for you and the world. And then decide your course.

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